16 Processes
Incident and Request

Capturing an Incident or Service Request


Capturing a Ticket inside the Incident/Request Management means taking responsibility for attending it or contributing to its solution.

Before getting started

It is a prerequisite to have at least one ticket available and opened in order to capture it inside the Incident/Request Management.

It's necessary to have the permissions to view, capture, and perform possible actions within the Incident or Request.


  1. Access the menu Processes > Ticket Management > Ticket(Incident or Service Request) > Open;
  2. Clicking once on the Incident or Request you want attend will open the actions and selecting the "Open" button will open it. Double-clicking will directly open it.
  3. If the system identifies that the executing user is linked to more than one group that could promote the conclusion of that ticket, the system displays an interface for the user to identify the group that will perform the task.

Business Rule

  1. It is not possible to capture a task without the proper permissions.
  2. It is not possible to capture a task once it has been captured by another user.
  3. It is not possible to capture a finished task.
  4. If there is only one execution group, it must be set automatically.
  5. If there is more than one execution group, the user must inform it.
  6. Apply the executor group to the field executor_group_id;
  7. Update captureControlRequest with the correct executor group;
  8. During approval tasks, the system will verify:

Troubleshooting when including more than one group in the flow

Attention: If a user has permissions in two or more groups for the assigned task, the system might not be able to identify which group should be acting, and might randomly pick from one of the available groups. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to follow the procedure described below. This way, the system will show a pop-up window so the user can select which group will perform the task.

  1. It should be saved on the table ItemWorkFlow:
  2. Update the table capturecontrolservicerequest, in order to register properly the groups which already performed the task. In case of delegation, the system removes the assignments and moves them to other groups and users;
  3. Create script to update this field;
  4. Discontinue the field currentgroupid on the database;
  5. Warn support technicians, clients and everyone involved that the currentgroupid was discontinued and will be no longer supported.


If the parameter 452 Continue on the ticket screen after saving? is active, the ticket is assigned automatically:

This case needs to be verified, and before capturing the tickets it's required to follow the process (above) and inform which group.


bpm_itemworkFlow - executor_group_id , currentresponsibleid

Incident or Service Request Information

After the Incident or Request is opened, the system will retrieve the Incident or Service Request information.





The activity chosen by the requester;

Contact's origin

Service Desk, Email, Facebook, Twitter among others


Contracts linked to the portfolio;


Auxiliary text written by the end user;


Add an e-mail for the requester


Impact of the activity;


The portfolios chosen by the requester;


Name of requester (can be searchable with %%)

Requester history

Requester’s history with No. of calls, Calls resolved on time, Delayed calls, Calls still open, Calls running and delayed, and the Level of Satisfaction.

Send email

Select which types of email the user will receive;


The service selected by the requester;


Unit of the requester


Urgency of the activity

Capturing the Incident or Service Request

To become responsible for the Incident or Request, click on the option “Assign Ticket” which you can find in the top menu bar.

Toolbar Items




The person responsible for the Incident or Service Request


View the existing attachment(s) or attach new object


Back to the Service Desk list of Tickets

Current group

The group responsible for the solution


Appears when there is knowledge linked to the current step of the flow


Enables page layout editing (30% - 70%, 50% - 50% and 100%)

Limit time

Date and time limit for attendance


Incident or Service Request identifier


Show scripts to attend the service


Total time for resolution


Step of the service flow

View flow

Show the service flow

🖊Note: If the ticket is not captured, the current group field will show the same group listed on the ticket screen;

If the ticket is captured, the agent must pick the executor group and it will be shown on the current group field.

Ticket options

In the options, we have:



Assign ticket

Use it to become responsible for the Incident or Service Request

Change SLA

Change the SLA assigned to the Incident or Service Request

Create related ticket

Link a related Incident or Request for the attendance

Create sub-ticket

Create a sub Incident or Request for the attendance


Delegate the Incident or Service Request to another attendant


Print the Incident or Request Information


Change the Portfolio/Service/Activity of the Incident or Request

Schedule activity

Can schedule an Activity for the Incident or Request


Suspend (pause) the time of attendance for the Incident or Service Request

Attending an Incident or Service Request

The effective start of the attendance occurs when the right Team captures the Incident or Request or when the Service Desk team forwards it to the right area.

Analysts are provided with several features to attend a ticket, such as: Adding comments, Reviewing the ticket’s History, Sending an email Notification to the requester and posting the time used to attend it.

Add Comments / See History

The user can write a comment and perform the following actions




Add the Comment to the Incident or Request


Cancel the Comment


Area to make comments to people who access this ticket. Text in here can be formatted.


See the Incident or Service Request history

Post hours

Possibility to inform the hours spent on a task


By marking this the requester will be able to read the Comment. If this is left unmarked, the comment will only be visible by the team attending it

Send email

Mark to send the Comment in an e-mail

It is possible to view and interact with all comments made within the ticket (Edit - Delete - Reply the comment).

Another option for commenting and viewing comments is through the Quick Search on the Service Desk Interface.

  1. To access this functionality go to the menu Processes > Ticket Management > Ticket;
  2. Click on "Search here" and enable the option "Tickets with comment permission";
  3. The system will then turn the field "Number" as mandatory to perform the search, where you will enter the ticket number you wish to comment on. After entering the number, click on "Search";
  4. The system will return in the list the ticket you entered previously. Click once on it to present the options available for that ticket. One of the options presented for this ticket will be "View and Comment";
  5. When clicking on "View and Comment", the system will open the ticket in preview mode. Without the possibility of viewing any attachments on the ticket, you can create and view only the comments on that ticket;
  6. After adding the comment, close the ticket preview page.

Attention: For this functionality to work, enable the following parameter and permissions:

  • Enable the parameter: 298 - Display the occurrences of the Ticket (Values: "Y" or "N" Default: "N").
  • Enable Comment permission on the Group screen.

Assignment and Action

You can: Direct tickets to another group (identifying the group that will be directed within the flow)


Take actions (the actions are defined by the Service flow and will appear only if the flow step directs to it)

Defining Status (changed from Situation) of the Incident or Service Request



Registered/In Progress

The ticket isn't ready to be closed;


Inform a solution to finish the ticket;


Justify why the activity is being canceled;

Linking additional items

Access the small black Arrow button in the upper right side of the screen, below the menu bar, to perform the desired functions.



Create related ticket

Link a related Incident or Request to the ticket

Create sub-ticket

View or Create a Sub Incident or Request for the ticket

Email reading

Allows the attendant to search and read e-mails related to the ticket


Allows the attendant to search and link Knowledges to the Incident or Service Request


Allows the attendant to search and link a Project to the Incident or Request


Allows the attendant to schedule an Activity for the Incident or Request


View and maintain Workarounds related to this Incident or Request


At the end of the page, you will find a floating button with the functions of:




To get back to the Service Desk list of tickets


To save the Incident or Request and create the number for tracking and monitoring

Save and Submit

To save the Incident or Request, create the number for tracking and monitoring and follow forward on the service flow