Creating/Editing the Portfolio
The Service Portfolio and Catalog Management consider services in terms of the business value provided by them and this ensures the correct composition of services to meet the expected results of the business at an appropriate level of investment.
Portfolio is a complete set of services that will be delivered, grouped by criteria such as size, discipline, or strategic value. Thus, all services delivered by the company can and should be part of the Portfolio.
The portfolio management is strategic as it manages services throughout its lifecycle in a Pipeline, focusing on the value they deliver to each business area.
This feature provides a variety of actions, such as adding, changing, and deleting a portfolio.
It is necessary to have defined the access permission to the functionalities of the Portfolio Management.
Set parameter 293 to "YES" to enable access permission for user groups in the Portal.
- Access the functionality Service Portfolio Management through the main menu Processes > Portfolio and Catalog Management > Portfolio. If there are Portfolios previously created, the System will present them grouped by type;
- Click on "New Portfolio";
- Define if it is a "Business" or "Technical" Portfolio;
- Enter the Portfolio data;
- Complete the data according to the defined format;
- Save the Portfolio.
Action | Description |
New Portfolio | Create new |
Edit | Edit the portfolio |
Advance | Registering/Editing a Service to the Portfolio |
✅ Rule: The choice of Business/Technical type must be in line with the type of contract to be linked to the portfolio, only contracts of the type "Contract" are linked to the type "Business" and only contracts of the type "Underpinning Contract" and "Operational Level Agreement" are linked to the "Technical" type.
- Main: Portfolio’s basic information.
- Presentation: Visualization of the Portfolio in the Smart Portal and Ticket Management.
- Multilanguage: Portfolio Translation to English, Spanish and Portuguese.
- Basic Information of the Portfolio.
Field | Description |
Portfolio Name (*) | Name of the Portfolio |
Type (*) | Provided by the system, according to each type of Portfolio available (Business/Technical) |
Multilanguage | Set if the Portfolio is Multilanguage (Yes/No) |
(*) Indicate mandatory field
- Configures Visualization in the Smart Portal and Ticket Management.
Field | Description |
Available on the portal (*) | Indicates if the Portfolio is to be presented at the Services Portal |
Available via chat (*) | Indicates if the Portfolio can have Chat attendance |
Name (*) | Name of the Portfolio to appear at the Portal |
Description | Description of the Portfolio to appear at the Portal |
Select an Image Button | Select or upload an image for the Portfolio |
(*) Indicate mandatory field
🖊 Note: Even if the "Available via chat" option is marked as "Yes", Group permission must be configured for it to function properly.
- Service Translation to English, Spanish and Portuguese.
- This Tab will only appear if "Multilanguage" is set to "Yes" at the Main Tab.
For each language, it is necessary to provide:
- Portfolio Name
- Description
✅ Rule: If one of the 3 languages on the "Multilanguage" tab is left blank, the information will be filled out with the information contained in the "Presentation".
Go to the home page and verify the newly created Portfolio and its information. You can create services and add them to the portfolio. For more information check Register/Edit a service