16 Processes
Relating Configuration Item to a Service
The creation of the Relationship between Configuration Items and Services aims to highlight in the CMDB the existing dependencies between each of these elements.
The creation is made to assist the CI operators in identifying services or items that will be impacted during a change, whether in the CI area, in the handling of an incident, a change, or a service portfolio.
The relationship exists as follows:
- Between Configuration Items and others Configuration Items;
- Between Configuration Items and Services of Business/Support;
The creation of the relationship requires:
Have access to the CMDB management interface ;
Creating the type of CI relationship;
Have configuration items inventoried;
Have services configured in the portfolio (Business/Support);
- Access the functionality through the menu Processes > Configuration Management > CMDB;
- Search and select a Configuration Item;
- Click on the left option "Relationship", then click on "Edit";
- Complete the fields available;
- Click on "Save" to save the changes.