16 Processes
Incident and Request

Creating and Viewing Sub-Ticket


This functionality allows the attendant to register a new ticket with activities related to the original one.

Before getting started

It's necessary to previously register the employee, contract and unit. It's also necessary to link the group to the contract, unit to the contract and contract to the service.

Register the portfolio with services and activities of request and incident. Set the time of attendance for the activities of request and incident.

Link the activities of request and incident to the service contract. Set the parameter 385 with value 'Y'.


  1. Access the functionality Ticket Management through the main menu Processes > Ticket Management > Ticket;
  2. Click once on the ticket you want and select "Create sub-ticket" in the options menu;
  3. Complete all mandatory fields and click on "Save”. The sub-ticket will be directed to the executor group defined in the activity link registration defined in the parameter 9;
  4. Note that the system will send notification e-mail about the creation, escalation, capture, close and other changes in the related tickets to the executor group of the main ticket;
  5. To search for tickets related, it'll be necessary to select the filter "Show related" in the search area in the main screen of the functionality.

Attention: The sub-ticket will have its own flow, therefore, it won’t be marked as finished along with the closure of the original ticket. It should, then, be executed and closed separately.

💡Tip: The sub-ticket can be reopened at any time, regardless of the status of the parent Incident or Request (whether it's reopened or closed).

Filter in Major View

Functionality; Changes the Incident display color when it is marked as Major

Before getting started

It is necessary to have a portfolio that has an incident type activity to be created.


Access through the Main Menu Processes > Incident and Request > Incident and Request


  1. Create an Incident by accessing the Create a New Incident or Service Request screen
  2. Select the Registration option
  3. Enter the data: Applicant, E-mail, Unit and Contact Origin
  4. After filling in the data, the system will load the Portfolio, Services and Activity as per the requestor's permission.
  5. Then the contract, impact and urgency will be loaded and if the Activity type is Incident, then the system loads the Major field.
  • Provide the incident description and save the data.