16 Processes
Incident and Request

Generating Reports - Request and Incident Management


Generate reports of causes and solutions

This report has the objective to present the causes and solution of the service requests.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Managment > Causes and Solutions Control;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. To generate a report with graphs, click on "Generate chart PDF" to create the report in PDF and/or on "Generate XLS chart" to create the report in Excel;
  4. To generate report with detailed information, click on "Generate Analytical Report PDF" to create the detailed report in PDF and/or on "Generate Analytical Report XLS" to create the detailed report in Excel.

Generate report Gantt

This report has the objective of presenting the service Incidents and Requests in a Gantt chart.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Gantt;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on "Filter" to generate the Gantt chart.

Generate workload report

This report has the objective of presenting the calculation of hours worked for each employee and/or group.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Workload Report;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on "Generate PDF" to create the report in PDF and/or click on "Generate XLS" to create report in Excel.

Generate quantitative report

This report has the objective of presenting the amount of service requests according to the status entered.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Quantitative;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on "Generate PDF" to create the report in PDF and/or click on "Generate XLS" to create the report in Excel.

Generate report quantitative by services completed (synthetic)

This report has the objective of presenting the report of completed Requests/Incidents (services).

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Quantitative by Services Completed (Synthetic);
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on "Generate PDF" to create the report in PDF and/or on "Generate XLS" to create the report in Excel.

Generate report of services completed (analytical)

This report has the objective of present the report of completed Requests/Incidents (services).

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Quantitative of Services Completed (Analytical);
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on "Generate PDF" to create the report in PDF and/or on "Generate XLS" to create a report in Excel.

Generate report of satisfaction survey

This report has the objective of presenting the information about the satisfaction surveys in relation to the attendance of the service requests.

Before getting started

It's necessary to have at least one ticket gone through all it’s cycle so that a satisfaction survey is generated and linked to it.


  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Search Satisfaction;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Select how to create the report when click on "Generate PDF", "Generate XLS" or "Export CSV".

Generate service requests report

This report has the objective of presenting the registration history of Request Services.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Search Incident/Request;
  2. Set the filters as needed and click on "Search";
  3. In the requests presented in the list, it is possible to perform the following actions: consult ticket history, view request/incident, view attachments and reopen the ticket;
  4. If you want to generate the report with summary information of the research that was performed, click the "Generate XLS" button to generate the report in Excel format;
  5. If you want to generate the report with detailed information about the research that was performed, click the "Generate PDF Detailed Report" button to generate the detailed report in PDF format and / or the "Generate XLS Detailed Report" button to generate the detailed Excel report .

Generate request report per executor

This report has the objective of presenting the Request services per executor.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Request per executor;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on “Generate PDF” to create the report in PDF and/or on “Generate XLS” to create the report in Excel.

Generate request approval report

This report has the objective of presenting the Request services based on their approval status.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Search Approval Requests;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on “Generate PDF” to create report in PDF and/or click on “Generate XLS” to create report in Excel.

Generate request execution report

This report has the objective of presenting the tickets by the responsible for executing them.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Request Execution Report;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on “Generate PDF” to create report in PDF and/or on “Generate XLS” to create the report in Excel.

Generate report of reopened request

This report has the objective of presenting all tickets that were reopened in a defined period.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incident/Request Management > Reopened Request;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on “Generate PDF” to create report in PDF and/or on “Generate XLS” to create the report in Excel.

Generate top 10 report of incidents/requests

This report has the objective of present the top 10 incidents/requests according to the filters chosen by the user.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Incidents/Requests Management > Top 10 Report of Incidents/Requests;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on “Generate PDF” to create report in PDF and/or on “Generate XLS” to create the report in Excel.

Generate report of incident/request by service

This report has the objective of presenting the amount of tickets that were requested, regarding the service catalog and portfolio.

  1. Access the functionality through the main menu Reports > Quantitative Report of Incidents/Requests by Portfolio and Service Request;
  2. Set the filters as needed;
  3. Click on “Generate PDF” to create report in PDF and/or on “Generate XLS” to create the report in Excel.