Creating Folder
Folders are places used in the application for storing and organizing files.
4biz knowledge bases are built using directory structures. There are permissions to read or read and save inside a folder. The available actions in the knowledge management process must also be defined: review, approve, publish and archive/unarchive.
In addition, it is possible to pre-configure the notifications that will occur in the several actions of the knowledge management process.
Folder permissions are applied from two perspectives:
- Access profile; and
- User group.
By using "permission by access profile", you can control the profiles that can read, and write in the folder. By using the group approach, in addition to the standard permission (read and write), you can set notification preferences for different knowledge statuses.
To have access to the folders, it is necessary to use a form of permission (profile or group), so, before anything else, you must configure the access profiles or create the groups;
To find out how to access the documents Creating Access Profile;
In addition, if you plan to create notification preferences you will need to define the email ID that will be used when sending messages. Therefore, you must create/configure e-mail templates and then set the parameters;
For this, access the documents Configuring E-mail Template and Parametrization - Knowledge)
- Access the functionality through the menu Processes > Knowledge Management > Folder;
- Click on "New";
- Complete the fields available;
- Click on "Save".
💡 Tip: The settings for using notifications will only work when you define the stakeholders in a knowledge.
The folder settings are just a preparation (pre-configuration) for use in the knowledge management phases, that is, when you start creating new knowledge or when you perform an action on an existing Knowledge is, in fact, when you can use the preferences set in the folders or set new preferences.
These preferences are defined in the "Stakeholders" tab of each knowledge. For more information access the documentation Creating Knowledge.